This list of word came out of a class where I had to read some articles on a particular theme, an look for the vocabulary in them. Later, I'll give a more structured form in order to make it useful for you.
Vocabulary cybercrime
villains of cybercrime were Americans. [@vNlBn] | bandit |
By the 21st century, though, hardly a hamlet [@hWmlNt] | village / hameau |
novel illegal activities. [@nKvBl] | original |
are a bundle of numbers [@bHndl] | paquet |
to monitor [@mKnNtB*] | contrôler, être à l’écoute de |
identity theft. | usurpation d’identité |
These range from spam, hacking, and denial of service attacks against specific sites to acts of cyberterrorism— | pourriel, attaque par déni de service, |
affords [B@fC:d] | fournir, procurer |
they make off * | se tirer avec qqch* |
to run up huge bills | accumuler |
are plagued by a lack of info. [pleNg] | to cause worry, pain or difficulty to someone |
automatic teller machine (ATM) cards, | GAB, DAB |
Schemes [ski:m] | plan, projet, procédé |
to defraud consumers [dN@frC:d] | escroquer |
abound on [B@baLnd] | abonder |
scam*; [skWm] Although this con [kKn] | arnaque, escroquerie* |
an asset that is going to be sold, [@Wset] | bien avoir, capital |
to be online auctions. [@C:kGBn] | vente aux enchères en ligne |
more mundane [,mHn@deNn] | banal, courant |
had been skimmed | écumer / frauder (US) |
convenience stores. [kBn@vi:nNBns] | commerce de proximité (US) |
wire fraud | fraude électronique |
In 1998 Levin was finally extradited [@ekstrB,daNt] | extradé |
clear-cut. | clair, net, précis, défini |
Users rejoined that [,ri:@dFCNn] | a quick and often angry or amusing answer |
shuttered [@GHtB*] | fermer un magasin définitivement |
to spring up. | pousser comme des champignons |
to battle [@bWtl] | se battre, lutter contre |
to forestall piracy [fC:@stC:l] | devancer, prévenir |
with encryption [Nn@krNpGBn] | cryptage |
ink-jet | à jet d’encre |
pousser, inciter | |
such as embossed foil holograms [Nm@bKs] | frapper, estamper, travailler en relief |
the INS was disbanded [dNs@bWnd] | se dissoudre |
“killer app,” | in the jargon of technologists, has been used to refer to any computer program that is so necessary or desirable that it proves the core value of some larger technology |
Bonanza [bB@nWnzB] | filon |
“kiddie porn” [@kNdN] | gosse*, gamin* |
to identify and lure victims.[ljLB*] | tromper, attire, persuader par la ruse |
to intersect [,NntB@sekt] | se couper, se croiser |
to deter pedophiles. [dN@tM:*] [@pi:dBLfaNl] | décourager, dissuader |
to wreak havoc [ri:k] [@hWvBk] | causer des ravages |
to coalesce [,kBLB@les] | s’unir, se fondre |
He allegedly [B@ledFNdlN] | prétendument, il aurait |
bring to the fore [fC:*] | mettre en évidence |
an overhaul [@BLvBhC:l] verbe è [,BLvB@hC:l] | refonte, révision complète |
The greatest losses stem from | result from |
compromised systems [@kKmprBmaNz] | compromis |
took advantage of flaws in certain [flC:] | des failles |
a fixture [@fNkstGB*] | a day and usually a time agreed for a sports event |
Oedipal drama [@i:dNpBl] | œdipien |
foreshadowing [fC:@GWdBL] | présager, annoncer |
misfits [@mNsfNt] | inadaptés |
crippled [krNpld] | mis mal en point, handicapé |
wrongdoing @rKE,du:NE] | méfaits |
A criminal salts an array of computers | « saupoudré une série de » |
E-mail has spawned [spC:n] | engendré, fait naître |
to comprise [kBm@praNz] | constituer / comprendre |
offensive. [B@fensNv] | insultant, choquant |
junk mail | « imprimés publicitaires » |
to institute [@NnstNtju:t] | fonder, entreprendre |
laud the use of cryptography [lC:d] | chanter les louanges |
Defacing Web sites [dN@feNs] | dégrader +- |
rogue states | états voyous |
to leak out . | filtrer, être divulgué |
cybercrime is its nonlocal character/ require international cooperation, international cybercrime treaties must be ratified, 2001, the Council of Europe Cybercrime Convention/ citizen’s Social Security number/ identity theft / by account theft/ Take the automated teller machine (ATM) /personal identification number (PIN)/ in 2002 the New York Times reported that more than 21,000 American bank accounts /Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)/peer-to-peer (P2P) networks/So-called digital rights management (DRM) technology/“video-on-demand”/ the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)/“chat rooms” /phreaks (short for “phone freaks”)/Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)/ the computers began “phishing” for files throughout the local network/ “worm”/e-mail protocols./ denial of service attacks (DoS) / Trojan horses/zombie computers,/ steganography/
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