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dimanche 23 janvier 2011


This list of word came out of a class where I had to read some articles on a particular theme, an look for the vocabulary in them. Later, I'll give a more structured form in order to make it useful for you.

Vocabulary cybercrime

villains of cybercrime were Americans. [@vNlBn]
By the 21st century, though, hardly a hamlet [@hWmlNt]
village / hameau
novel illegal activities. [@nKvBl]
are a bundle of numbers [@bHndl]
 to monitor [@mKnNtB*]
contrôler, être à l’écoute de
identity theft.
usurpation d’identité
These range from spam, hacking, and denial of service attacks against specific sites to acts of cyberterrorism—
pourriel, attaque par déni de service,
affords [B@fC:d]
fournir, procurer
they make off *
se tirer avec qqch*
to run up huge bills
are plagued by a lack of info. [pleNg]
to cause worry, pain or difficulty to someone
automatic teller machine (ATM) cards,
Schemes [ski:m]
plan, projet, procédé
to defraud consumers [dN@frC:d]
abound on [B@baLnd]
scam*; [skWm] Although this con [kKn]
arnaque, escroquerie*
an asset that is going to be sold, [@Wset]
bien avoir, capital
to be online auctions. [@C:kGBn]
vente aux enchères en ligne
more mundane [,mHn@deNn]
banal, courant
had been skimmed
écumer / frauder (US)
convenience stores. [kBn@vi:nNBns]
commerce de proximité (US)
wire fraud
fraude électronique
 In 1998 Levin was finally extradited [@ekstrB,daNt]
clair, net, précis, défini
Users rejoined that [,ri:@dFCNn]
a quick and often angry or amusing answer
shuttered [@GHtB*]
fermer un magasin définitivement
to spring up.
pousser comme des champignons
to battle [@bWtl]
se battre, lutter contre
to forestall piracy [fC:@stC:l]
devancer, prévenir
with encryption [Nn@krNpGBn]
à jet d’encre
to prompt
pousser, inciter
such as embossed foil holograms [Nm@bKs]
frapper, estamper, travailler en relief
the INS was disbanded [dNs@bWnd]
se dissoudre
“killer app,”
in the jargon of technologists, has been used to refer to any computer program that is so necessary or desirable that it proves the core value of some larger technology
Bonanza [bB@nWnzB]
“kiddie porn” [@kNdN]
gosse*, gamin*
to identify and lure victims.[ljLB*]
tromper, attire, persuader par la ruse
 to intersect [,NntB@sekt]
se couper, se croiser
to deter pedophiles. [dN@tM:*] [@pi:dBLfaNl]
décourager, dissuader
to wreak havoc [ri:k] [@hWvBk]
causer des ravages
to coalesce [,kBLB@les]
s’unir, se fondre
He allegedly [B@ledFNdlN]
prétendument, il aurait
bring to the fore  [fC:*]
mettre en évidence
 an overhaul [@BLvBhC:l]
verbe è [,BLvB@hC:l]
refonte, révision complète
The greatest losses stem from
result from
compromised systems [@kKmprBmaNz]
took advantage of flaws in certain [flC:]
des failles
 a fixture [@fNkstGB*]
a day and usually a time agreed for a sports event
Oedipal drama [@i:dNpBl]
foreshadowing [fC:@GWdBL]
présager, annoncer
misfits [@mNsfNt]
crippled [krNpld]
mis mal en point, handicapé
wrongdoing @rKE,du:NE]
A criminal salts an array of computers
« saupoudré une série de »
E-mail has spawned [spC:n]
engendré, fait naître
to comprise [kBm@praNz]
constituer / comprendre
offensive. [B@fensNv]
insultant, choquant
 junk mail
« imprimés publicitaires »
to institute [@NnstNtju:t]
fonder, entreprendre
 laud the use of cryptography [lC:d]
chanter les louanges
Defacing Web sites [dN@feNs]
dégrader +-
rogue states
états voyous
to leak out .
filtrer, être divulgué
cybercrime is its nonlocal character/ require international cooperation, international cybercrime treaties must be ratified, 2001, the Council of Europe Cybercrime Convention/ citizen’s Social Security number/ identity theft / by account theft/ Take the automated teller machine (ATM) /personal identification number (PIN)/ in 2002 the New York Times reported that more than 21,000 American bank accounts /Recording Industry Association of America (RIAA)/peer-to-peer (P2P) networks/So-called digital rights management (DRM) technology/“video-on-demand”/  the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)/“chat rooms” /phreaks (short for “phone freaks”)/Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)/  the computers began “phishing” for files throughout the local network/ “worm”/e-mail protocols./ denial of service attacks (DoS) / Trojan horses/zombie computers,/  steganography/

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